Today I woke up and as usual I turned on my computer. And there it was on Tucker, Daisy and Leo site...MY FIRST AWARD!!! Ooooh, thank you guys. You are so nice and so good friends. As I said: Uiiiiiiiiii ...and that's me jumping to the ceiling.
Here's the Friend Bloggy Award Scoop:These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
So with great pleasure I'm passing it on to: Lorenza , The four musketeers , Paco e Milo , Asta La Vista Baby , Thor's world , Momo and Pinot , Bunch o'mutts and Josh and Jessie. Not necessarily in that order. You are dear friend to me, all of you. If I would have a chance, I would pick up more of you. So, next time...if there will be next time, of course ;-))).
Love ya all.
Here's the Friend Bloggy Award Scoop:These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
So with great pleasure I'm passing it on to: Lorenza , The four musketeers , Paco e Milo , Asta La Vista Baby , Thor's world , Momo and Pinot , Bunch o'mutts and Josh and Jessie. Not necessarily in that order. You are dear friend to me, all of you. If I would have a chance, I would pick up more of you. So, next time...if there will be next time, of course ;-))).
Love ya all.
Danes sem se zbudila in kot ponavadi sem takoj prižgala moj računalnik. In tam je bila - na Tucker, Daisy in Leo blogu ... Moja prva NAGRADA! Ooooh, hvala vam.Ste zelo prijazni in dobri prijatelji. Kot sem rekla: Uiiiiiiiiii ... to sem jaz, ko skačem do stropa.
Tukaj so Friend Bloggy Award pravila: Ti blogi so zelo prijazni. Te vrste blogerjev si prizadevajo najti ostati prijatelji. Ti niso zainteresirani za poveličevanje sebe. Naše upanje je, da ko so trakovi teh nagrad prerezani, se bo prijateljstvo še bolj širilo. Prosimo, bodite pozorni do teh blogerjev. Vsak, ki prejme to nagrado, mora izbrati osem blogerjev, ki morajo vključiti v nagradono besedilo razumen tekst. (Prevod prosto po Prešernu hahaha...)
Tukaj so Friend Bloggy Award pravila: Ti blogi so zelo prijazni. Te vrste blogerjev si prizadevajo najti ostati prijatelji. Ti niso zainteresirani za poveličevanje sebe. Naše upanje je, da ko so trakovi teh nagrad prerezani, se bo prijateljstvo še bolj širilo. Prosimo, bodite pozorni do teh blogerjev. Vsak, ki prejme to nagrado, mora izbrati osem blogerjev, ki morajo vključiti v nagradono besedilo razumen tekst. (Prevod prosto po Prešernu hahaha...)
Torej, z velikim veseljem mojo nagrado predajam prijateljem, ki se redno oglašajo na moj blog: Lorenza, The four musceteers, Paco e Milo, Asta La Vista Baby, Thor's World, Momo in Pinot, Bunch o'mutts in Josh in Jessie. Ne nujno v tem vrstnem redu. Vsi ste moji dragi prijatelji.Če bi imela priložnost, bi vas izbrala več. Torej, naslednjič, ko ... če bo naslednjič, seveda ;-))).
Rada vas imam vse.
Rada vas imam vse.
Pa še tole zate Alesska: tebi pa pripada posebna nagrada, ker si moja daleč najboljša prijateljica!! Prijateljica, ki mi stoji ob strani od prvega dne. Poljubček.
Congratulations on your new first award, Nessa and thank you so much for passing it on to us. You are a true friend!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs, Josh and Jess
Hello Nessa and Mico! It is very nice to meet you. (From Tama-Chan: Psssst... Nessa.. Tom thinks you're very pretty!. Congratulations on your award and we look forward to being friends with you!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTom and Tama-Chan
Weeeeeee! Congrats on your first award :o)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSlobbers xx
Hi Nessa
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow your first award. A big congratulations to you. Well done!
Noah x
Hi Nessa! Congrats on your first award! And thank you so much for passing it to me! Love you too! =)
Dear Nessa,
OdgovoriIzbrišicongratulations on your award. We are very proud to be your friends. Thank you so much for forwarding us the award. We are very excited since this is our first award too.
Lots of love,
OdgovoriIzbrišiCongrats on your first award and thank you so much for passing it to us!!!!!!!!!!!
you're a very special friend and we love you so much!!!
we're honored to be your friends!!!
lots of love and kisses
Congratulations on your first award!! and I am sure there will be more to come. Thanks for being a blogging buddy with me. I enjoy your posts. =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiG'day Nessa,
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for the sweet award.
xxx Asta (oz)
Hi, Nessa!
OdgovoriIzbrišiCongratulations on your first award... and many more to come!
Thanks for giving it to me!
Kisses and hugs
Hi,my friends,
OdgovoriIzbrišithank you very much for your congratulations and thank you to be such a good bloggie friends.
Love you all a lot,