15. januar 2009

Danes samo slikica / Today just a photo

My mummy is obsessed with elfs, dwarfs or however she calles them. Now she made me pose with them for that picture in my backyard...just with 3 of them ;-) How do I look?
Moja Bojančka je obsedena s palčki...zdaj je še mene slikala skupaj z njimi, no s tremi od njih. Kako izgleda tole?

3 komentarji:

  1. OHHHHHH Nessa...you're sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!
    very very very beautiful girl!!!!
    we love this picture!!!!
    we think you're a special dog...you have bewitched us!!!!
    hope to meet you one of these days!!!!!!
    lots of love and kisses

  2. What a cute picture. You look like you are herding the elves. Thanks for the award.

    Tucker, Daisy and Leo

  3. Aww... nice pic... You look very cute!

    Holly & Zac
