5. januar 2009

Ko boš prišla na Bled.../ Bled in the sun

....boš moja punčka spet...ne,ne,ne bomo peli te pesmi . Šli pa smo na Bled. Mojadva, Teja, Nika in jaz. Na izlet, ker je bila lepa sončna nedelja. Najprej, ko sem skočila iz avta, sem zagledala konja, ki je tekel proti meni. Jaz pa flik na tla in čakam kaj bo. Nič. Je odpeketal kar mimo. Naslednje, kar sem zagledala, je bila ogromna voda. No, saj ne, da bi v tem mrazu hotela plavati, pač pa me je zanimalo tisto, kar je plavalo po vodi...race in labodi. Najbolj sem si zapomnila belega laboda, ki mi je plaval meni nič, tebi nič pred nosom. Ko sem se mu čisto približala, pa je začel pihati kot nor! "Kaj pa ti je, od kdaj pa ptiči pihajo, a se ti je čisto zmešalo?" sem začela lajati nanj. On pa - ravno toliko, da ni skočil name. Lajala sem in lajala, potem pa sta me mojedva raje odpeljala stran, da ne bi padale kakšne pripombe od mimoidočih :-). Pih, presneti tič.
Yesterday we went to Bled. (That is a beautifull small city in northern Slovenia with lake, little island on it and Castle). On the trip because it was a beautiful sunny Sunday. My mom and dad, their doughter Teja, their grand doughter Nika and I. When I jumped out of the car, I saw at first a horse, running to me. I lied down quickly and wait what happens. Nothing did happend. He was just in a hurry with bunch of people in a box behind him. Nex I saw a huge water. Well, not that I would like to swim in this cold weather. I was just interested in what is swimming on that water ... ducks and swans! The most I remember white swan that was swimming indifferent right before my nose. When I approached him closely, he started to blow like crazy! "What's wrong with you, since when birds are blowing, are you completely mad?" I started to bark. He however did almost jump on me. I was barking and barking, and then my mom and dad rather take me away from him in order not to fall any comments from the promenaders :-). Gosh, that bird.
Kam pa hitiš, konjiček? /Where are you running, horsey?Presneti ptič, boš nehal pihat? / Gosh, bird, will you stop blowing?Mi trije pod blejskim gradom / Mytwo and me under the Bled CastleŠe jaz grem v naročje ;-) / Take me up, too ;-)By Nessa

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