Novembra sem dopolnila 18 mesecev, zato je nastopil čas za slikanje mojih kolkov. Menda je to potrebno, če hočem imeti kdaj mladičke;-). V Avstrijo pa smo šli zato, ker se trudim delati potrebne preizkuse ( enega - NZB sem že naredila) za avstrijsko vzrejno dovoljenje. Moje poreklo je pač nemško in se spodobi, da zadostim njihovim kriterijem...tam je pač vse bolj strogo :0)
Alesskina Tanja in njen Smiljan (hvala!), sta se dogovorila za slikanje na Tierklinik Kreuzbergl v Celovcu pri dr.Evelin Pekarek. Pa smo šli spet na pot ;-). Po dobri urici smo prispeli. No, ne brez Tanjine pomoči, ker je (spet) crknil garmin. Tale tehnika! Mojadva sta kar norela. Sredi Celovca, zadeva pa ni delala hihihi....Na kliniki so bili strašno prijazni. Vsi so me božali in mi dajali komplimente. To se mi je fajn zdelo, pa mojima tudi, seveda. Samo nič mi ni bilo jasno. Saj nisem bolana, kaj pa delam tukaj? Dr.Evelin me je vso pregledala, poslušala srce in pregledala oči...ooooh, naenkrat sem bila tako utrujena. Hudo se mi je spalo in to sredi belega dne. Lahko noč!
Ko sem se zbudila, so bili vsi nekam srečni, smehljali so se in me trepljali. Kaj se je pa zgodilo vmes, kaj sem zamudila? Bojančka mi pravi :"Nesska, zdaj boš pa lahko letala po mili volji!". No, fajn. Končno ne bom samo poslušala :" Ne skači toliko, ne dirkaj po hribu, bodi pri miru...." Če je obisk tehle prijaznih ljudi razlog za to, potem bom pa še kdaj prišla ;-).
Slike je bilo potrebno poslati še na Univerzitetno veterinarsko kliniko na Dunaj. In tako sta danes mojedva dobila izvide, jaz pa veliiiiko sočno kost. Super,ne?
In november, when I was over 18 months, the time has come for hip X-ray. I understand this is necessary, if I'll ever have puppies ;-). We went in Austria because I'm trying to do the necessary tests (one - NZB I have already done) for the Austrian breeding license. My origin is a German and it would be nice if I would satisfy their severe criteria ... :0) Well, so we went in Klagenfurt on Tierklinik Kreuzbergl to dr.Evelin Pekarek. How wonderful wellcoming! All were so friendly that I was not afraid of anything. Dr.Evelin did all the review, listen to the heart and revised the eyes, then I suddenly blacked out. When I woke up, everyone have been very happy becouse they already knew that I am healthy. Picture of X-ray was necessary to send further to the veterinary clinic at the University of Vienna. Today my mom and dad got results and I got a big juicy bone. Yummi!
V čakalnici / In the waiting roomTakooo sem zaspana / I'm so sleepyLahko noč / Good nightTukajle so me slikali / Here thay take an X-ray shotTole pa je rezultat / This is the resultBy Nessa
Hi Nessa!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI 'm so glad that your hip joint did not have a trouble.
Peace and love
Hi Nessa
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou are very pretty. What breed of dog are you. Thanks for visiting our blog. Daisy needs to have her hips checked too.
Tucker and Daisy
Hello Nessa,
OdgovoriIzbrišicongratulation and good luck for the breeding sent by grandfather Jambo vom Wittlerdamm and his family from Germany.
Hi Momoko! I'm glad too. Now I can run freely as much as I want.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi Tucker,Daisy and Leo!Thank you very much, you are pretty too. I'm young girl breed hovawart.It's an old german breed and we can be in 3 colours as you can see on my blog.
Hi Ulrike! Thank you very much. Kisses for Jambo and Apoll...
and kisses and huggs for all of you guys,
Hi, Nessa!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSome times going to the vet is not fun but it is necessary!
Sure is nice to know your hip is healthy!
Kisses and hugs
OdgovoriIzbrišiBravo za tale odličen rezultat :)
Visiting the vet is just torturous but glad to know your hips are clear from any problems! Bet you'll produce some wonderful pups. Me gonna start having little pups very soon too though my hips aren't that perfect but I have no HD.
OdgovoriIzbrišiButt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Congrats on passing your exams! My parents had to have all those tests before they had me. I will never have puppies, so I don't have to go thru that.
OdgovoriIzbrišiyou are very nice,all of you.Wish you all a very healthy life,