31. december 2008

Dogs with blogs

Nekaj dni nazaj sem se prijavila na spletno stran, kjer se lahko najdejo taki kot sem jaz :-) Kužki z blogi. Lahko me najdete pod številko 1087 :-)
Kaj vse ne vidiš tam. Nad večino ogledov sem čisto navdušena. Kako lepo ljudje skrbijo za svoje ljubljenčke. Vesela sem, da sta mojedva ena od njih. Da bi le bilo več takih ljudi na tem svetu!

A few days ago I reported on the site, where you can find such as I am :-) Dogs with blogs. You can find me with the number 1087 :-)
What's not to see there. I was quite excited. How beautiful people look after their pets. I am very happy that my mom and dad are one of them. I wish that would be more such people in this world!

By Nessa

4 komentarji:

  1. Wishing your family, furball, friends and you a sweet 2009!

  2. Thank you and right back to you, wishing you all the best in 2009!

  3. Happy new year 2009!
    Happy for you and your family!

    Peace and love

  4. Welcome to DWB!
    I saw your name there and wanted to come and say hello!
    Kisses and hugs
