13. maj 2010

Nessa is going to be mommy:-)))

My dear friends!
It's been a while since my last post - again:-) A lot of things has happened and my mommy posted it on my web site, so you're very welcome to read it - some of articles are in english now:-)The most important thing is as it follows:
I'm very happy to inform you that I'm expecting my first puppies:-))))
My husband is beautiful black and ten hovawart Berlingo Milas Moravia. He is a great family dog, very gentile and calm, so I'm very happy to met him. It was love at first sight and he was such gentelman. Luckily he lives in Ljubljana so he is only few km away:-)
Puppies are expected on 12. June. Cross your fingers and wish me luck:-) And visit now and then my web site http://hovawart-vombarogianland.si to find out what's new:-) Oh, yes: I'm on FB too as Kennel vom Barogian Land and my mommy as Bojana Razpotnik. Join me :-))
Many hugs and big kiss from mommy to be,
yours Nessa

22. februar 2010

Two successful Sundays:-)

I had two very exciting weekends I would like to tell you about:-)
Last weekend we went to Belgrade Serbia, to pick up Tejas new doggie, to visit our very good friends and to go to CACIB Belgrade. We were not sure if we will make it because of very,very bad weather with a lot of snow. After all it is 600 km far from my place. Well, we made somehow to get thrue regarding terrible routes in Serbia, covered with snow. The puppy was already 10 weeks old and Teja and Nika were soooo excited about geting her, so we really make an effort to go there. And then, on Sunday when we were there, my mom decided that we will go on show. Uff, it was hard. My ring was near the entry and it was very cold, so my mom almost went into a ring with her winter jacket:-) Sigh:-) But any way, it went OK, I was in a good moode, so I got CAC, CACIB and BOB.And that is Daisy in very warm new home with Teja and Nika...look how happy they are:-))My new sis Daisy...hehe, she's smaller than my head...lolAnd yesterday....yesterday I went to CAC Celje, wher our good friend Dušica Bučer judged for the first time in Slovenia....she was very correct and excellent done her job... I got CAC Winter winner...lol...no,really, I think everybody was satisfied with her judgeing. A lot of our Austrian friends came to her ring too:-)
Well, that are my news:-)

Zadnja dva vikenda sta bila zame zelo uspešna.
Prejšnji vikend smo se po slabem vremenu odpravili v Beograd, kjer je vladalo obsedeno stanje zaradi kupov novega snega, ki jih je naneslo tisto jutro. Glavni razlog za odhod je bil nakup nove kužice za Tejo, Niko in Gregorja. Doma so se namreč složno odločili, da si želijo pritlikavega pinča. Ko smo se malo ozirali za legli, smo našli eno v Beogradu, kjer imamo tudi dolgoletne prijatelje. In, šment, kot naročeno, je bila tisto nedeljo v Beogradu tudi mednarodna razstava. Vse skupaj smo torej združili v res prijeten obisk pri prijateljih (čevapčiči in ostalo pečenje z roštilja..mmmmm:-))), obisk razstave in na koncu še prevzem moje nove prijateljice Daisy:-)
Razstava je bila hecna, ring je bil povsem pri na široko odprtem vhodu, tako da je Bojana prvič hotela v ring z bundo, okoli mene pa same zverine: kavkaški ovčarji, šarplaninci, brazilski bojni psi ipd. Kljub temu sem hrabro prenesla vse in se odlično odrezala. Rezultat CAC,CACIB in BOB. Super, a ne?
No, včeraj pa smo šli na razstavo v Celje pozdravit prvo sojenje naše prijateljice Dušice Bučer v Sloveniji, ki je odlično opravila svojo nalogo. Ko sem jo zagledala v ringu, sem bila zelo vesela in sem se trudila nanjo napraviti kar najboljši vtis, saj sem vedela, da tu ne bo popuščanja in da bo zelo korektno opravila svoje delo. Predvsem pa sem bila vesela, da sem lahko spet videla svoja dva bratca Nasha in Nelota, prijateljico Alesso ter prijatelje iz Avstrije, ki so se udeležili razstave v res velikem številu. No, tudi tu sem iztržila odlično oceno in CAC.
Evo, to je kratko poročilo o zadnjih dogajanjih.

Pa-pa, Nessa

15. januar 2010


Pozdravljeni prijatelji,
evo, praznovanje novega leta je za nami, kar me zelo veseli, saj sem silvestrovo preživela napol v šoku zaradi vsega tega pokanja...ponoči sem celo dobila pomirilo, da sem vsaj malo zadremala...pišuka, bo že enkrat prepovedano tole norenje s -skoraj- bombami ali ne!?Naslendjič bo najbolje, da se z mojima odpravim v eno gorsko kočo, daleč od civilizacije:-)
Sicer pa - sneg imamo res, sonca pa nobenega....pih! Tale slikca je bila posneta decembra na edini res sončni dan...
Kako ste kaj vi?
Pozdravček od Nesske :-)

Hi, my dear friends,
it's been a while since my last post...New year celebration is luckily behind me...I was terribly scared becouse of all that "bombing" so my mommy had to give me a sedativ during the night. Darn! Will that be ever totaly prohibited? It better be.....
Well, here we have snow now but no sunny days :-( That picture was taken on one and only sunny day on the end of december...sigh!And how are you, my friends? Any good news lately? Take care of yourselves, love you all and thinking of you,
big Kiss from Nessa

24. december 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Dragi moji prijatelji,
leto je okoli in spet je čas voščil, lepih želja in obdarovanja. Kaj naj vam ob tem zaželim? Najbolj od vsega vam želim seveda zdravja, ljubezni in lepih trenutkov z vašimi najdražjimi, veliiiiiko dooooolgih sprehodov, norčavosti in igre.....naj bo prihajajoče leto bogato z vsem, kar imate radi in kar si želite.
Vaša Nesska z Bojano, Igorjem, malim Nejcem in Niko in vso ostalo družinico :-)
My dear friends,
yet one year is ending. It's time for greetings, beautiful wishes and gifts. What should I wish for you? The most of all I wish you good health, a lot of love and happy moments with your beloved ones, a lot of looooong walks, siliness and playing....I wish the coming year will be rich with all that you love and what you wish.
Your Nessa with mommy Bojana and daddy Igor :-)

26. september 2009

Say: aaaaaaaa...

.....and take a look of those beautiful babys of Jekyll and Halka Barte Prim. I'm a little bit jealous though, but they are soooooo cute:-) And they are in all 3 colours as I told you in post before. In that litter was: 6 blond girls,1 black and ten girl, 1 black girl, 2 blond boys and 2 black boys.

Blond, black and ten and black fight:-)
Why must we sit here?All 3 colors :-)Well, enjoy in those pictures untill it's my turn:-) Hopefully;-)
Kisses, Nessa

25. september 2009

Me, Jekyll and puppies :-)

Dear friends,

thank you very much for congrats and for nice words about my husband to be:-) But as I can see, there is some confusion about that:-) Blond hovi looks a lot like golden retriver and a lot of people are mixing them. So I better explain a little bit about me and Jekyll and stuff :-)
As some of you might know by now, hovawart can be in 3 colours: black and ten as I, blond as Jekyll or black as my grandpa Jumbo.
My handsome Jekyll :-)
My grandfather Jambo from Germany
My grandmother Conquita from Austria and grandfather Jumbo....
...muuuahhh, big kiss to them:-)
The normal percent in one country is: 75% black and ten, 15% blond and only about 10% black hovis. Mixing all colors is alowed. It depends a lot of what your background is. The most frequent combination is black and ten - black and ten. Also is very popular black and ten and blond combination. Very rare nowadays is blond-blond combination becouse colour of those puppies can be darker and of course all puppies from that combination are blond. That's the reason some countries are not alowing that combination.

In some special litters there can be all 3 colours, but that is veeeery rare. In Slovenia there was no 3 colour litter untill now! But let me tell you: my Jekyll is from such litter though :-) And he is already a father of 3 colours litter, so maybe I will have such luck too:-)))
But it's veeeeery toooooo soon to talk about that. At first we must marry:-). But cross your paws for me and him, please:-)
Your bride to be Nessa :-)

18. september 2009

Great weekend on show in Amstetten, Austria

Last weekend me, my mommy and daddy went to Amstetten, Austria on 2 days event. On Saturday there was a tournament in obidience and on Sunday there was the biggest Hovawart show in Austria. This year 127 (!) hovawarts came to this event. Most of them were of course from Austria, but some of them came from Germany, Slovakia, Italia, Czech republic, Poland and Slovenia.
We went on a road on Friday with the motorhome along with my brother Nash and my best friend Alessa. We came to Amstetten late in the evening and soon we went to sleep, becouse all 3 of us attended the tournament next day. So here is how it went:
Part one on a leash
Walking forward and showing left and right turn
Circling in a group of people without smelling them..sigh!
Going out from group of people
Starting the part two without a leash
Doing again the whole procedure but without a leash
Laying down on command and wait
Recall from the laying
And a result: 91 points from 100 and 2nd place. My mommy was very proud of me, especially because we didn't go to school for quite a long time. I've done my BBH exam more than a year ago and I had only 4 trainings before tournament, so I guess I can be proud of myself too :-).
But guess what: Alessa was even better than me. She won the tournament with 95 points. I'm very happy for her. Nash was very funny though. Instead walking with leader at the end he rather went to Regina (who was Leader of Tournament and translater to English) and jump on her. Yipieee! He had some fun, clever boy!
It was double Slovenian succes
Next day, on Sunday, was Club winner show 2009. There was very strong competition in my "Open class" - 21 beaches and I was almost the youngest with 28 months. But I was not nervous at all and a strict Judge, Mrs.Eveline Hohmann, who is also German breeding referent for Hovawart, was very happy with me and she judged me with an excellent rating. Hurray!!
Showing my teeth to Mrs.Evelin Hohmann
A diploma for me :-)
But something else was veeeeery important!!! I've met my future husband there in live! It was already everything arranged for our wedding, but this time I've seen him in live. Woooow, what a boy. His name is Jekyll Royal Safe, he came from Slovakia and he is an International Champion!! He also won in "Working Class" in Amstetten too!! I was instantly inloooooove!! And I think he was too. Cross your finger for May next year when our mariage will take place in Slovakia!

Are we great together or what?
Well, that's all and it's not so small :-) I hope you enjoyed reading,
Kisses and hugs, your pal Nessa

P.s. All pictures were taking again by Tea Pavišič. Tea, big thank you to you!

7. september 2009

Nessa has breeding licence I.

S ponosom objavljamo krasno novico: Nessa je 5.9.2009 opravila vzrejni pregled pri g.Janezu Plestenjaku in telesno oceno pri sodnici Dušici Bučer, ki sta ji prisodila odlično oceno in 1.vzrejni razred. Nessa ima tako vse pripravljeno za paritev, ki jo bomo predvidoma opravili prihodno pomlad, ko bo stara 3 leta in popolnoma odrasla in dozorela za tako pomembno nalogo. S kom? To pa naj ostane še sladka skrivnost....:-)

Hello everyone, Nessa's mommy here. Since Nessa doesn't like to brag herself I would like to tell you something. After a while we are coming back with great news: Nessa has done her breeding exam, got an excellent grade and breeding rang 1.
For breeding licence in Slovenia hovawart must have:
- at least one excellent evaluation of slovenian judge
- exam B-BH
- hipps evaluation
Nessa has all that: 3 excellent evaluations from Slovenian judges, she has done B-BH exam last year and has done her rtg/hips exam in Tierklinik Kreuzbergl in Klagenfurt, Austria. Her hips are A1/A1 with no sign of displasia. Since she had all prepared we decided to go to breeding exam. That's how it goes:
At first there is running, where judge can see and evaluate dog's moveing...
Then comes measuring dog's height, lenght and chest...
After that judge exam doggie from head to tail:-) He exames dogs teeth, eyes, lips, ears, strenght of it's back, legs, lenght and wearing of tail, quality of coat, colour, pigmentation...and beside that dogs character....well, everything:-) Nessa was despite long and stressfull exam acting very friendly untill the end of it:-)At the end comes general evaluation. Nessa was very good girl and we are very proud of her.
Then next good news is that her brothers Nash and Nelo got breeding class 1., too. We are very proud of the fact, that from litter of 8 doggies, 4 of them are good show dogs (others owners are not thrilled about the shows) and 3 of them are now available for breeding with excellent evaluation. Look how pretty they are:
Naslednja čudovita novica je, da sta Nessina brata Nash in Nelo na isti dan pri g.Plestenjaku opravila vzrejni pregled in si ravno tako prislužila vzrejni razred 1. Prav ponosni smo, da so - od 8 kužkov v leglu Srečka in Mire Novak - 4 dobri razstavni psi (ostali lastniki niso navdušeni nad razstavljanjem), 3 od njih pa imajo sedaj tudi vzrejno dovoljenje. Tole so naši krasni kužki:
Nessa's brother Nash/bratec Nash
NashNessa's brother Nelo/bratec Nelo
Nessa, Nash and Nelo with proud "owners"

Beside us there was also Nessa's, Nash and Nelo's half brother Lar Časova. He is too young for breeding licence but he had also excellent body evaluation. He will be great male when he will be fully grown up.
Poleg nas je bil prisoten na oceni zunanjosti tudi naš polbratec Lar Časova, ki je sicer še premlad za vzrejno dovoljenje. Dobil pa je odlično telesno oceno s strani sodnice Dušice Bučer in se prav gotovo razvija v čudovitega samca.
Nessa's half brother Lar Časova
P.s. All pictures were taken by Tea Pavišič, our great young photographer and we thank her for doing such a great job.
Kisses and hugs,
Nessa and mommy

5. avgust 2009

Swimming in lake

Hi my furry friends,
Sunday was great for me. My mommy and daddy decided to take me off from the hot city weather and take me swimming to a lake. We have two bigger lakes in Slovenia, Bled and Bohinj and we decided to go in Bohinj. It takes cca. an hour to come there. Early in the morning we could choose a private place of our own where I can swimm and not bother showering anybody hehe....just my folks ;-)
What do we have here?
It's a beautifull clean lake, surrounded with high hills. There are a lot of fishes in it swimming in shallows !! They were even bitting me while I was standing still...
Hmmm, let's see...
A bunch of fishes...wooow!!!
Did I get one?
And there were ducks too. Luckily for my mommy I didn't see them on time to play catch with them hehe...
Ducks? Where?Behind me?Wooow, the duck family :-)I was swimming a lot, playing and catching ball and sticks...

I would be in a water whole day, so mommy made me rest from time to time like I'm a little baby...Sigh!
Me,resting..sigh!Was I resting enough, mommy, can I play now again, pleaseeeee!What a great day!

Kisses and hugs,