27. januar 2009

Back to school / Spet v šoli

My paws in school / Moji prijatelji v šoli

I was going to doggie school for a whole last year. I was doing o.k. I even completed 2 trainings with the exams, initial and follow-rate ( A and B-BH), where I had to show my obedience and socialization in the urban environment. Even my mommy had to take a written test for a dog guide, which is necessary in some countries in EU if you want to have a dog...
In autumn I started to train for higher level, IPO 1. That is quite a demanding training, which includes tracking, obidience and defence, but....well, I started to act like teenager. I was a teenager though, which losts interes for tracking and started to bark at trainers instead of "chasing" them. I was also quite shy puppy and I didn't want to "bite" coach sleeve. Then my mommy decided that we should take a breake and do something about my shyness. It looks like I have improved myself, so I'm glad to announce that I'm back to school.
Yesterday evening it was just an obedience training, but on monday I will meet my coach for defence again. Cross your paws that I will not be afraid of "attacking" that funny dressed guy no more;-)
Go get it / Drž' barabo
Good girl / Bravo punca
Lani sem celo leto hodila v šolo. Obiskovala sem kar dva tečaja, pri katerih je potrebno opraviti izpite in sicer začetnega z izpitom A in nadaljevaljnega z izpitom B-BH, kjer je potrebno pokazati poslušnost in socializacijo v urbanem okolju. Celo Bojančka je morala opraviti pisni del testa za vodnika psa, ki je v nekaterih evropskih državah celo obvezen za vse, ki želijo imeti psa...
Jeseni sem začel atrenirati za višji izpit, ki se mu reče IPO 1. To je dokaj zahteven izpit, ki je sestavljen iz treh delov: sledenja, poslušnosti in obrambe, toda....ah,ja, začela sem se obnašati kot najstnica. No, saj sem bila najstnica, ki je izgubila voljo do sledenja, na markerja pa sem lajala, namesto da bi ga "preganjala" hehehe....Bila sem tudi precej plašna, saj nisem hotela zagrabiti markerjev rokav. Takrat sta se mojadva odločila, da naredimo pauzo in poskušamo odpraviti pretirano plašnost. Izgleda da nam je vsem skupaj uspelo, zato veselo najavljam mojo vrnitev v šolo. Včeraj sva delali na poslušnosti, v ponedeljek pa bo šlo zares, saj se že srečam z mojim markerjem...držite pesti in tačke, da se ne bom več bala smešno oblečenega modela ;-)

13 komentarjev:

  1. Oh, wow, you're back to school and you've completed a whole year already!! We had to drop out of school last year because Pa broke his arm and Ma injured her shoulder :) We're hoping to be able to go February classes.

  2. I think you'we too nice a doggie to attack, hehehI think the west is mowe impowtant..to be social and polite..and I think you'we gweat at that
    good luck in school
    love and smoochie kisses

  3. That is so cool that you get to bite your teacher! I would get smacked on the butt if I bite my teacher! I know your going to do a great job!
    Hugs & Snugs
    Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

  4. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog.

    So you have to go to school, that sounds like fun. I've never been to school but my mummy teaches me things. She says I'm too smart for my own good sometimes, hee hee

    Take care

  5. I hope school is very good fun for you! Gosh, you do lots of different things at your school. I has had to go back to a puppy school because we moved house and it boring.
    ~lickies, Ludo

  6. Hmmmm...I think it looks like a great place to RUN!


  7. Hi, Nessa!
    Sure it is nice to be back to school!
    I am sure you will do it great!
    Have fun!
    Kisses and hugs

  8. Amazing schools these days - they are actually going to let woo bite somebody??? Ha Rooooo. Do a good job.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  9. Bravo Nessa! Le tako naprej. Res si pridna mlada dama, sedaj ti že lahko rečem dama. V zadnjih mesecih si res pridobila veliko samozavesti!
    To z markerjem bo pa mala malica zate!!! Ti mu kar pokaži kdo je Nessa!


  10. School is good, Nessa, but we think you're too sweet to be an attack dog!

    Tom and Tama-Chan

  11. We hope you enjoy school this year Nessa. Attacking the trainer sounds like fun. I might try that with B hehehe.


  12. It sounds like you are going to learn all sorts of things at your training school Nessa.

    Holly & Zac..XX

  13. Nessa,

    It looks like you are doing really well in your class. I love tracking so I hope you get interested in again. I've never done defense though. Enjoy learning!

    Your friend,
