Pozdravljeni prijatelji,
evo, praznovanje novega leta je za nami, kar me zelo veseli, saj sem silvestrovo preživela napol v šoku zaradi vsega tega pokanja...ponoči sem celo dobila pomirilo, da sem vsaj malo zadremala...pišuka, bo že enkrat prepovedano tole norenje s -skoraj- bombami ali ne!?Naslendjič bo najbolje, da se z mojima odpravim v eno gorsko kočo, daleč od civilizacije:-)
Sicer pa - sneg imamo res, sonca pa nobenega....pih! Tale slikca je bila posneta decembra na edini res sončni dan...
Kako ste kaj vi?
Pozdravček od Nesske :-)
evo, praznovanje novega leta je za nami, kar me zelo veseli, saj sem silvestrovo preživela napol v šoku zaradi vsega tega pokanja...ponoči sem celo dobila pomirilo, da sem vsaj malo zadremala...pišuka, bo že enkrat prepovedano tole norenje s -skoraj- bombami ali ne!?Naslendjič bo najbolje, da se z mojima odpravim v eno gorsko kočo, daleč od civilizacije:-)
Sicer pa - sneg imamo res, sonca pa nobenega....pih! Tale slikca je bila posneta decembra na edini res sončni dan...
Kako ste kaj vi?
Pozdravček od Nesske :-)
Hi, my dear friends,
it's been a while since my last post...New year celebration is luckily behind me...I was terribly scared becouse of all that "bombing" so my mommy had to give me a sedativ during the night. Darn! Will that be ever totaly prohibited? It better be.....
Well, here we have snow now but no sunny days :-( That picture was taken on one and only sunny day on the end of december...sigh!
And how are you, my friends? Any good news lately? Take care of yourselves, love you all and thinking of you,
big Kiss from Nessa
it's been a while since my last post...New year celebration is luckily behind me...I was terribly scared becouse of all that "bombing" so my mommy had to give me a sedativ during the night. Darn! Will that be ever totaly prohibited? It better be.....
Well, here we have snow now but no sunny days :-( That picture was taken on one and only sunny day on the end of december...sigh!
big Kiss from Nessa
You look wonderful in the snow, Nessa! We had a lot of snow in France too and I had such a great time playing in it!
That looks like fun, Nessa. We want to come and play with you.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTucker and Daisy
You look beautiful in the snow!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWoo look sooooo furry pawesome in the snow!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWe hope all of woo are well!
Nessa, its so nice to hear from you again. Happy new year my friend. I hope there are no fireworks for a long time. They are awful things.
Noah xx
Hi, Nessa!
OdgovoriIzbrišiGlad to see you again!
Sounds like you did not have the best holidays with all those bombings!
But thankfully that is over!
I wish you and your family a pawesome 2010!
Kisses and hugs
Nessa! I missed you! You look lovely in the snow. I hope the sunny days come back soon!
OdgovoriIzbriši~lickies, Ludo
Nessa, you look wonderful! We have missed you - so lovely to hear from you.
OdgovoriIzbrišilove and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
I wish we had all that snow Nessa! Stop by my blog when you have a chance. You can enter my Train Your Dog Photo Contest.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
Looks like you enjoyed the snow and the sun that day! We have snow but no sunny days either...Mom and Dad have been complaining lots about NO sun lately. Maybe next month?? Hope you get some sun soon.
Hi Nessa!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a gorgeous picture of you enjoying the snow...I love it too!
Your pal,
Hello Happy very belated New Year our freind Nessa!! Sorry for not being able to visit you for a long time. We've missed you!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou look amazing on beautiful snow. We have no snow... many days no sunlight. (sign...)
Momo & Pinot
Mom and Dad have been complaining lots about NO sun latel.. Challenge coins
OdgovoriIzbrišilooking cute. nice article.
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