pssst, it's me, Mico. I smuggled here to tell you a story about me and all the animals they made me to live with:-)
The first in my family was white girl poodle, named Heda. She died from cancer at age 14. When she was already ill, mytwo bought white rabbit, named Mandy and parrot named Piko. The three of them were getting along perfectly.
Than I came along...I was less than a month old, when mytwo adopted me coz some people found me in some sewage...I was little as a hand and I didn't even know how to drink milk. When I made myself comfortable I was looking for some playmates. First I wanted to play with that fast moving thing called parrot, but somehow he didn't want to play with attention on his wing in the corner of upper pic:-) Because Piko could't walk on the floor like chicken anymore, mytwo bought him a lady. I was persuadeing her to play with me but one day she stopped breatheing while playing with me...mytwo were very,very upset and call me a murderer...I wonder why? I just wanted to play with her! Than one day suddenly Piko died too. My two said it was of the grief.
Piko and Pikica before I played with her...
Then I started to play with Mandy...for a while it was OK...then I grew up and my claws have become too sharp for him, poor thing. Again - I just wanted to we gave him to mommys parents. And so I remain alone...boooooring! I decided that I will be good from then on. When I was 3 years old we moved to a flat with atrium. The grass felt so funny strange....quite a new experience. One day they furrprised mommy and daddy have brought home a little Bernese Mountain Dog named Bella for Teja's 20th birthday. Well, she was not little at all. She was toller then me even at that time. I spent three days at the top of the closet beacouse I was so afraid of her. When I finally climb down, I realized that she is very sweet. After that we were always together and I allowed her to to drool all over me:-)) But than she fell ill at age 5 too as you all know. My mommy and daddy have a habit to always buy someone for the company. So, finally, Nessa came along. This time I needed one week to get used to her. I was already 10 years old and not so much prepared to except another fur into the house. Slowly all 3 of us became furriends. We even slept together every morning when daddy went to his work... ....and played together, although Bella was always watching over me and Nessa...than Bella went to a rainbow bridge, Nessa was quickly growing up, I am getting older so sometimes I use my claws again...but I'm not to hard on Nessa, aren't I ?
So you can see how many animals I had to accept:-) Thank you for reading my story and for being such a god friends to my dear Nessa.
Yours truely Mico
Dragi kosmatinčki,
pssst, danes pišem jaz, Mico. Pretihotapil sem se sem, da vam povem zgodbo o meni in vseh živalih, s katerimi so me prisilili živeti:-)
Prva v moji družini je bila bela pudljica Heda, ki je umrla za rakom ko je imela 14 let. Ko je bila že bolana sta mojadva kupila belega zajča Banija in papagaja Pikota. Vsi trije so lepo živeli v slogi.
Potem sem prišel jaz...mojadva sta me posvojila, ko sem imel manj kot mesec dni ker so me našli v kanalizaciji.. bil sem manjši od dlani in nisem znal niti piti mleka. Ko sem se malce udomačil sem se začel ozirati po prijateljih s katerimi bi se igral. Najprej se mi je pogled ustavil na zelooo hitri stvarci, ki se ji reče papagaj, pa se nekako ni hotel igrati z mano...poglejte rdeče obkroženo bežečo perut:-) Ker se Piko ni mogel več sprehajati po tleh kot ena kokoška, sta mu mojadva kupila družico. Tudi njo sem hotel prepričati, naj se igra z mano dokler ni enkrat med najino igro pozabila dihat...mojadva sta bila zelo,zelo jezna in sta me klicala prav zanima zakaj? Saj sem se samo hotel igrati z potem je nekega dne utihnil še Piko. Mojadva sta rekla, da je umrl od žalosti.
Potem sem se začel igrati z Mandijem...nekaj časa je bilo OK, dokler nisem odrastel in so moji kremplji postali preostri zanj, revčka...tako sta ga mojadva dala k Bojkinim staršem.In sem ostal sam. Dolgčaaaas. Obljubil sem si, da se bom poboljšal. Takrat smo se preselili.
Nekega dne sta me mojadva presenetila...domov sta prinesla majhno bernko Bello, ki sta jo kupila za Tejin 20.roj.dan. No, ni bila ravno majhna, saj je bila že takrat višja od mene...tri dni sem preživel na vrhu omare, tako zelo sem se je bal. Ko sem končno priplezal dol, sem videl, da je pravzaprav zelo ljubka. Po tem sva vedno tičala skupaj in pustil sem ji celo, da me je vsega poslinila:-)
Ko je Bella dopolnila 5 let je bila že precej bolana...mojadva pa imata hecno navado, da vedno kupujeta nekaj nekomu za druž tako sta Belli za družbo kupila Nesso. Tokrat sem potreboval cel teden, da sem se je navadil. Star sem bil že 10 let in ne več tako zelo pripravljen deliti stanovanje s še enim kosmatincem. Počasi pa smo postali prijatelji in se celo crkljali na postelji vsako jutro, ko je tato šel v službo...
Potem je Bella odšla na drugo stran mavrice, Nessa je odraščala, jaz pa se staram in začenjam spet malo uporabljati kremplje...ampak ne prehudo, a ne?
Hvala, da ste prebrali mojo zgodbo in bodite prijazni z mojo Nessko,
Hi Mico. We know that it's not easy for a kitty to get used to many, many new companions, especially that you had a hard life when you were very little. We think you have been very brave!
Hi Mico My Chester cat had to accept alot of animals too. He is fine with us little dachshunds, but when my cousin Daisy comes over he likes to puff out his tail really big and spit & hiss at her. It is nice to meet you & Nessa. Love Ruby
Ti Mico si res en revček. Kako te tvoji "matrajo" s temi živalicami. :o))) Poleg Nesske si dobil pa še Nejkota in Niko, ki te tudi maltretirata. Se bo sploh kdaj nehalo??? :O)))) Lepo se imej in uživaj! Aja, pa še to ... počakaj, ko boš doživel Neeskine mladiče, to bo "štala". :o)))
Hi Miko! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us. What a lot of furry and winged friends you've had thus far. We're glad that you are friends with Nessa. Don't be too hard on her - she's a gentle girl, just a bit big!!!
Hey Mico, that's such a cute story, so many lovely friends you've had! We love the video of you playing with Nessa, looks like you guys love each other alot and Nessa is so gentle with you :o) Great post :D Slobbers xx
Hi Love your blog.I would like to invite you to check out my forum you are welcome to join if you are interested Regards Lindsay
Hi Mico... Nice to meet you!!!! you're sooooooooooooo cute and beautiful and watching your video while you playing with Nessa is wonderul... you two are sooooooooooooo Great and funny!!!! We loved watching you!!!!! thanks for sharing with us your story!!!! have a great Velentine's day wth all your wonderful family!!!!! lots of love and kisses!!!
Hi Nessa We loved reading your story - you really are a wonderful dog. We also liked your Valentine Day card - you looked very pretty. love and kisses Martha & Bailey xx
I'm 2 years old lady breed Hovawart.My family says I'm adorable :-)
P.s. I'm sorry if my english sometime sounds funny. It's hard for me to write in other language :-)))
Hovawart v treh barvnih odtenkih: črn, črnorjav ter blond / Hovawart in three possible colors
Moji podatki / My personal data
Pasma /Breed:Hovawart Ime /Name:Nessa Poležena /Birth:05.05.2007 Vzreditelj /Breeder:Srečko in Mira Novak Lastnik /Owner:Igor Razpotnik Oče /Father:Amun von den Pyramidenhovis Mama /Mother:Taja Časova Rodovnik /Pedigree:SLRHw-000141 Barva /Colour:črnorjava /black and ten Višina /High: 60 cm Teža /Weight:29 kg Zobovje /Teeth:popolno /complete Kolki /Hipps :A1/A1 HD-frei O.Univ.Prof.Dr.Med.Vet.Tzt.Elisabeth Mayrhofer,19.12.08
Šolanje - Training -izpit/examA opravljen 13.6.2008 - izpit/examB-BH opravljen 12.7.2008 Šolanje v teku/Training in proceed :RO NZB- Bestanden - opravljen Kirschstetten, 9.11.2008 Judge Frau Evelyne Hohmann(D) Razstave-Exhibitions Prvak razreda mladih/junior winner Junior BOB CAC CACIB BOB CH.J.SLO - Mladinska prvakinja v lepoti
Hi Mico. We know that it's not easy for a kitty to get used to many, many new companions, especially that you had a hard life when you were very little. We think you have been very brave!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Hi Mico
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy Chester cat had to accept alot of animals too. He is fine with us little dachshunds, but when my cousin Daisy comes over he likes to puff out his tail really big and spit & hiss at her.
It is nice to meet you & Nessa.
Love Ruby
My tail says I would like to play but Siberian in me says I would probably like to do OTHER things!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy butterskhotch pals were huddled on the patio this am and I just stood at the door and stared and wagged!
Tank woo fur telling your story about all the tails woo have endured!
Mico, na Ferdinanda si pa pozabu... Z njim si se tud "špilal", da je šel kmalu na oni svet...
OdgovoriIzbrišiTi Mico si res en revček. Kako te tvoji "matrajo" s temi živalicami. :o))) Poleg Nesske si dobil pa še Nejkota in Niko, ki te tudi maltretirata. Se bo sploh kdaj nehalo??? :O)))) Lepo se imej in uživaj! Aja, pa še to ... počakaj, ko boš doživel Neeskine mladiče, to bo "štala". :o)))
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi Miko! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us. What a lot of furry and winged friends you've had thus far. We're glad that you are friends with Nessa. Don't be too hard on her - she's a gentle girl, just a bit big!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour friends Josh and Jess
Mico is a VERY tolerant cat!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat is so kind and patient of you to accept so many new friends in your home. You are trully a great pal. =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHey Mico, that's such a cute story, so many lovely friends you've had! We love the video of you playing with Nessa, looks like you guys love each other alot and Nessa is so gentle with you :o)
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat post :D
Slobbers xx
Hi, Mico!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for sharing your story!
I loved your video playing with Nessa... or it was Nessa playing with you? Ha!
Kisses and hugs
What a wonderful family full of animals. I am glad you and Nessa get along.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour friend,
What a story Mico. :) Too bad about the birdies and the rabbit that had to leave. :( Glad you have Nessa now though. :)
Well, Mico, looks like woo found yourself a wonderful family. Now Nessa is sort of a bother, but we think woo like Nessa too.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWoos, the OP Pack
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove your blog.I would like to invite you to check out my forum
you are welcome to join if you are interested
Regards Lindsay
Hi Mico...
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice to meet you!!!!
you're sooooooooooooo cute and beautiful and watching your video while you playing with Nessa is wonderul...
you two are sooooooooooooo Great and funny!!!!
We loved watching you!!!!!
thanks for sharing with us your story!!!!
have a great Velentine's day wth all your wonderful family!!!!!
lots of love and kisses!!!
Hi Nessa
OdgovoriIzbrišiWe loved reading your story - you really are a wonderful dog.
We also liked your Valentine Day card - you looked very pretty.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Mico is adorable and so friendly! Our kitty Mr Bigglesworth RULES the roost and the dogs just stay back! ha ha The video was great!